Sims 4 long straight hair cc
Sims 4 long straight hair cc

This mod will give your Sims shoulder-length hair, which has a classy look to them. Benjamin Hairstyle Check Out This CC Different people have different ideas about exactly what length is long when it comes to hair, but past the shoulders is a safe place to draw the line for guys. These hairstyles are well designed and look great when used on Sims. Most of the hairstyles in this mod are focused on short and straight hair. It will offer you 36 realistic hair colours from which you can choose. Lana CC Finds is the Latest Website that will post new Sims 4 CC with all new categorized and anyone can post their’s CC here, here you can find lost of Sims 2. 100+ of the Latest Hair CC for the Sims 4 If youre reading this, youre about to explore the very best of the best hair CC, all nicely gathered in one list. The nightcrawler is a very versatile mod. Download the latest sims 4 cc like Long straight hair with buns (ELIANE) by S-Club at TSR with sims 4 custom content on Lana CC Finds. Sims 4 Twisted Pig Tails Hair by aharris00britney.Sims 4 Long Wavy Hair CC by greenllamas.Sims 4 CC Child Hair Conversion by an0nymousghost.Sims 4 Long Kids Hair CC by naevus-sims.No matter how you look at it (or what swatch you use), this has a nice authentic feeling all around. Long Straight Hair Mesh Mix And Recolors is availble to download for free on Simserenity. One side of the hair is tucked behind the ear, while the other flows freely. Long Straight Hair Mesh Mix And Recolors. This skilled Simmer took one of the new styles that came with Island Living, edited the mesh, and now we’re all blessed with a lovely long ‘do for dudes. As long as it’s not the original mesh itself and has enough edits to be an original, standalone creation, it’s all good. It sounds a little shady but it’s within EA’s own creator guidelines.

sims 4 long straight hair cc sims 4 long straight hair cc

Well, fortunately, a lot of Simmers can basically bring them to us free of charge. So then your only option is to buy a whole pack centered around content and gameplay you’ll probably never use, just so your Sim can have that cute new hair that caught your eye. The painful part about having so many packs for The Sims 4 is that a lot of times, the only stuff a player might be want is more clothes and hair.

Sims 4 long straight hair cc